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Entropy and Selection Dynamics


报告题目:  Entropy and Selection Dynamics

报告人:  刘海亮教授   Iowa State University  

报告人简介:刘海亮教授1986-1988年在清华大学应⽤数学系学习,获理学硕士学位,后在中科院系统所继续深造,并获理学博士学位.1997-1998年为德国洪堡学者.1999-2002年在加州大学洛杉矶分校工作. 2002 年至今在Iowa State University 工作, 任终身教授和应用数学首席 (Holl Chair). 刘海亮教授多年来致力于发展新的数学工具和计算方法求解某些重要应⽤中出现的发展型偏微分方程, 近几年的工作和成果主要集中在以下几个⽅面: (1)渐近分析和数值建模;(2)应用偏微分方程中临界门槛现象及数学理论;(3)保结构的高精度计算方法.自1995 年以来,刘海亮教授发表了120 余篇研究论文,引用超过2200次.

摘要:We present several integral-differential equations that describe the evolution of a population structured with respect to a continuous trait. Under some assumptions, solutions are shown to converge toward the evolutionary stable distribution, using the tool of relative entropy. The role of nonlinear competition will also be discussed. The exponential convergence rate to the steady state is also established. Efficient numerical methods for capturing selection dynamics are highly desired for model prediction, and we have developed several entropy satisfying methods with provable nice properties.



