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2018.12.19--Existence of global weak solutions to 3D compressible primitive equations with degenerate viscosity

报告题目: Existence of global weak solutions to 3D compressible primitive equations with degenerate viscosity

报告摘要:  This talk is devoted to investigating the global existence of weak solutions for the compressible primitive equations (CPE) with damping term in a three-dimensional torus for large initial data. The system takes into account density-dependent viscosity. In our proof, we represent the vertical velocity as a function of the density and the horizontal velocity which will play a role to use the Faedo-Galerkin method to obtain the global existence of the approximate solutions. Motivated by Vasseur and Yu SIAM J. Math. Anal. (2016), we obtain the key estimates of lower bound of the density, the Bresch-Desjardin entropy on the approximate solutions. Based on these estimates, using compactness arguments, we prove the global existence of weak solutions of CPE by vanishing the parameters in our approximate system step by step.


报告人:窦昌胜 副教授(首都经济贸易大学)

报告时间:  2018.12.19 (周三) 下午 2:00-3:00

报告地点: 逸夫楼715