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2020.12.17,孔令华  教授,Efficient Numerical Schemes for Three-dimensional Maxwell's Equations in Dissipative Media


报告题目:Efficient Numerical Schemes for Three-dimensional Maxwell's Equations in Dissipative Media

报告人:孔令华  教授

报告人简介: 孔令华,教授,博士生导师,江西省新世纪百千万人才,江西省青年科学家培养对象,江西省高校学科带头人。主要研究偏微分方程的保结构算法,特别是在哈密尔顿系统高效辛和多辛格式的构造方面取得了一些研究成果,并获江西省自然科学三等奖。主持国家自然科学基金3项,江西省自然科学基金7项,其中重点项目1项。发表SCI收录论文三十余篇。

摘要We propose some energy structure-preserving numerical methods for three-dimensional Maxwell's equations. To avoid solving large scale algebraic equations, we use local one- dimensional (LOD) technique and split the original equations into some LOD subsystems. Then, it results in some efficient numerical scheme by discretizing the LOD equations with Crank-Nicolson scheme in time and high order compact (HOC) method in space. Some benchmark symbols, such as stability, conservation laws of the schemes are analyzed. Some numerical examples confirm the theoretical analysis. Numerical results show that the new schemes not only can simulate the electromagnetic waves, but also energy structure- preserving.



腾讯会议号:899 772 202
