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2021.04.26,张友金 教授 清华大学,Super Tau-Covers of Bihamiltonian Integrable Hierarchies​

报告题目:Super Tau-Covers of Bihamiltonian Integrable Hierarchies



报告人:张友金教授  清华大学



We consider a certain super extension, called the super tau-cover, of a bihamiltonian integrable hierarchy which contains the Hamiltonian structures including both the local and non-local ones as odd flows. In particular, we construct the super tau-cover of the principal hierarchy associated with an arbitrary Frobenius manifold, and the super tau-cover of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy. We also show that the Virasoro symmetries of these bihamiltonan integrable hierarchies can be extended to symmetries of the associated super tau-covers.



时间:2021426日(星期一)下午400 — 600







张友金,清华大学数学科学系教授、博导,先后在国际理论物理中心、意大利国际高等研究院、日本京都大学做博士后,是国家杰出青年基金和教育部自然科学奖一等奖获得者。要从事数学物理和可积系统理论的研究,与合作者在非线性可积系统的分类理论、Frobenius流形理论及其在Gromov-Witten不变量理论中的应用等方面做出了一系列重要的工作, 论文发表在Inventiones MathematicaeCommunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Communications in Mathematical Physics国际著名数学期刊。