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2021.07.02,黄晴教授,西北大学,Adding potentials to superintegrable systems with symmetry on 3 dimensional conformally flat space

报告题目:Adding potentials to superintegrable systems with symmetry on 3 dimensional conformally flat space 



报告人:黄晴教授  西北大学



In this talk, we consider natural Hamiltonians associated with 3 dimensional conformally flat spaces, where the kinetic energies possess 2, 3 and 4 dimensional isometry algebras and the potential functions are added in the presence of symmetry. Separable potentials in the 3 dimensional space reduce to 3 or 4 parameter potentials for Darboux-Koenigs Hamiltonians. Other 3D coordinate systems reveal connections between Darboux-Koenigs and other well known super-integrable Hamiltonians, such as the Kepler problem and isotropic oscillator.



时间:202172日(星期五)上午830 — 930



腾讯会议:167 117 003




黄晴,教授、博士生导师。主要从事数学物理、可积系统的研究,在SIGMA、Journal of Mathematical Physics等期刊上发表多篇论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目与面上项目曾获2010年陕西省科学技术奖一等奖。