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    五、    主要研究领域


    六、    承担科研项目情况

    2000年以来作为项目负责人承担国家级科研项目10项,部级科研项目1项,校级科研项目1项,校级教学项目3项,参加国家级项目3项。其中,承担国家973项目课题2项,国家863(军口)课题2项,国家自然科学基金项目6项,高等学校博士点基金项目1项; 参加973项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等3项。

    1.          国家自然科学基金项目:长脉冲激光平板靶等离子体自生磁场的时空特性研究;项目号: 11574390;起止年月:2016年1月至2019年12月;课题负责人。

    2.          国家973项目:超强激光驱动粒子加速及其重要应用;课题:极端相对论光场驱动的粒子加速新机制探索;课题号:2013CBA01504;起止年月:2013年7月至2018年8月;课题负责人。

    3.          国家自然科学基金项目:极限强激光场中能量和物质相互转化的数值模拟与分析;项目号: 11374360;起止年月:2014年1月至2017年12月;课题负责人。

    4.          国家自然科学基金项目:界面连续分布下Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性弱非线性理论研究;项目号: 11074300;起止年月:2011年1月至2013年12月;课题负责人。

    5.          国家自然科学基金项目:激光辐照平板靶X射线激光等离子体的三维流体动力学;项目号: 10874242;起止年月:2009年1月至2011年12月;课题负责人。

    6.          国家973项目:高能量密度物理中的若干前沿问题;课题:极端光场下的非线性量子电动力学效应理论探索;课题号:2007CB815105;起止年月:2007年1月至2011年12月;课题负责人。

    7.          中央高校科研基本业务费专项资金项目:流体的Lattice Boltzmann研究及应用;课题号: 00-800015G5;起止年月:2011年1月至2012年12月;课题负责人。

    8.          国家863项目(804)课题:X射线激光新泵浦机制的探索;课题号: 2006AA804705;起止年月:2006年7月至2009年6月;课题负责人。

    9.          高等学校博士点基金项目:激光辐照平板靶X射线激光的三维流体动力学;项目号: 20070290008;起止年月:2008年1月至2010年12月;课题负责人。

    10.      国家自然科学基金:平板靶等离子体X射线激光的二维流体动力学研究;项目号:10474137;起止年月:2005年1月至2007年12月;项目负责人。

    11.      863项目:对实现“空心原子”粒子数反转的探索;项目号:2002AA84Ts21;起止年月:2001年1月至2005年12月;项目负责人。

    12.      973项目:超强超短激光科学中若干重要前沿问题;课题名称:超强超短激光驱动的超短波长相干辐射;课题编号:06;起止年月:2000年1月至2005年12月;排名:第三。

    13.      国家自然科学基金:台面型类镍铌X射线激光的机理研究;项目号: 60108007;起止年月:2002年1月至2003年12月;项目排名:第二。

    14.      国家自然科学基金:对实现原子内壳层能级间粒子数反转的探索;项目号:19974074;起止年月:2000年1月至2002年12月;项目负责人。

    七、    发表学术论文

    自2000年来在国际物理学领域权威的Phys. Rev. LettPhys. Rev. APhys. Rev. EJ. PhysPhys. Plasma中国科学物理学报强激光与粒子束等国内外权威杂志上发表了有价值的学术论文140余篇,其中SCI收录100余篇,EI收录16篇。

    1.     Z. L. Li, Y. J. Li, and B. S. Xie, Momentum Vortices on Pairs Production by Two Counter-Rotating Fields, Phys. Rev. D, 96, 076010 (2017). (SCI) [1710]

    2.     张戈, 冯程远, 龚文波, 李英骏*, 粗糙元对单裂隙渗流影响的格子Boltzmann方法模拟及分析, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2017, 47(2), 024701.

    3.     WANG Yu (王玉), SU Dandan (苏丹丹), LI Yingjun (李英骏)*, Hydrodynamics of Exploding Foil X-Ray Lasers with Time-Dependent Ionization Efect, Plasma Science and Technology, 2016, 18(12), 1181. (SCI) [1612]

    4.     Q Z Lv, Y J Li*, R Grobe and Q Su*, Spectral domains for bosonic pair creation in static electromagnetic fields, Laser Phys., 2016, 26, 045301. (SCI) [1603]

    5.     Chuang Xu(许闯), Feng Feng(冯锋), Ying-Jun Li(李英骏)*, Path integral approach to electron scattering in classical electromagnetic potential, Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25 (5): 050303. (SCI) [1605]

    6.     ChuandongLin, AiguoXu, GuangcaiZhang, YingjunLi*, Double-distribution-function discrete Boltzmann model for combustion, Combustion and Flame, 2016, 164, 137-151. (SCI) [1601]

    7.     Aiguo Xu, Chuandong Lin, Guangcai Zhang, and Yingjun Li*, Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann kinetic model for combustion, Phys. Rev. E, 2015, 91, 043306. (SCI) [1504]

    8.     LIN Chuan-Dong, XU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Cai and LI Ying-Jun*, Polar Coordinate Lattice Boltzmann Kinetic Modeling of Detonation Phenomena, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2014, 62, 737–748. (SCI) [141101]

    9.     Q. Z. Lv, Y. Liu, Y. J. Li*, R. Wagner, Q. Su, and R. Grobe, Degeneracies of discrete and continuum states with the Dirac sea in the pair-creation process, Phys. Rev. A, 2014, 90, 013405. (SCI) [1407]

    10.  CHENG Tao, LIU Sheng-Gui, LIU Xiao-Yang, HAO Nai, TENG Ai-Ping, and LI Ying-Jun*, Effects of Density and Thickness of Interlayer on RT Instability of Interfaces, Commun. Theor. Phys , 2014, 61(5), 649–653. (SCI) [1405]

    11.  Liang Guo-Hua, Lü Qing-Zheng, Teng Ai-Ping, and Li Ying-Jun*, The polarization effect of a laser in multiphotonComptonscattering, Chin. Phys. B., 23(5), 054103, 2014. (SCI) [1405]

    12.  Q. Z. Lv, A. Vikartofsky, S. Norris, Y. J. Li*, R. Wagner, Q. Su, and R. Grobe, Instantaneous rest-frame transformation method for temporally induced pair creation, Phys. Rev. A, 2014, 89., 042105. (SCI) [1404]

    13.  GUO Hong-Yu, YU Xiao-Jin, WANG Li-Feng, YE Wen-Hua, WU Jun-Feng, LI Ying-Jun*, On the Second Harmonic Generation through Bell–Plesset Effects in Cylindrical Geometry, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2014, 31(4), 044702. (SCI) [1404]

    14.  ZHAO Kai-Ge, WANG Li-Feng, YE Wen-Hua, WU Jun-Feng, LI Ying-Jun*, Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability with Continuous Profiles, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2014, 31(3), 030401. (SCI) [1402]

    15.  Chuandong Lin, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li, and Sauro Succi, Polar-coordinate lattice Boltzmann modeling of compressible flows, Phys. Rev. E, 2014, 89, 013307. (SCI) [1401]

    16.  Q.Z. Lv, Y. Liu, Y.J. Li*, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Noncompeting Channel Approach to Pair Creation in Supercritical Fields, Phys. Rev. Lett, 111. 183204, 2013. (SCI) [1310]

    17.  林传栋,许爱国,张广财,李英骏*, 使用极坐标格子玻尔兹曼方法研究冲击过程—复杂系统中非平衡效应的探索, 凝聚态物理学进展, 2013, 2, 88-96。[1310]

    18.  WANG Lifeng (王立锋), YE Wenhua (叶文华), FAN Zhengfeng (范征锋), WU Junfeng (吴俊峰), LI Yingjun (李英骏), ZHANG Weiyan (张维岩), HE Xiantu (贺贤土), Nonlinear Evolution of Jet-Like Spikes from the Single-Mode Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability with Preheating, Plasma Science and Technology, 15(10), 2013. [1310]

    19.  Q. Z. Lv, Y. J. Li*, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Quantum mechanical tunneling in multifield-induced pair creation from vacuum, Phys. Rev. A, 88. 033403, 2013. (SCI) [1309]

    20.  霍新贺,王立锋,陶烨晟,李英骏,非理想流体中Rayleigh-TaylorRichtmyer-Meshkov不稳定性气泡速度研究,物理学报201362(14)144705。(SCI) [1307]

    21.  Q. Z. Lv, A. C. Su, M. Jiang, Y. J. Li*, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Pair creation for bosons in electric and magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A, 87. 023416, 2013. (SCI) [1302]

    22.  Zhong-Qiang Liu, Ying-Jun Li*, Kong-Yin Gan, Su-Rong Jiang, Guang-Cai Zhang, Water film washers and mixers: their rotational modes and electro-hydrodynamical flows induced by square-wave electric fields, Microfluid Nanofluid, 2013, 14, 319-328. (SCI) [1208]

    23.  W. Su, M. Jiang, Z. Q. Lv, Y. J. Li*, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Suppression of pair creation due to a steady magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A, 2012, 86, 013422. (SCI) [1207]

    24.  刘中强,李英骏,张广财,姜素蓉,方波电泳电场驱动下液膜马达的电致流动特征,物理学报201261(13)134703。(SCI) [1207]

    25.  陶烨晟,王立锋,叶文华,张广财,张建成,李英骏,任意AtwoodRayleigh-TaylorRichtmyer-Meshkov不稳定性气泡速度研究,物理学报201261(7)075207。(SCI) [1204]

    26.  GAN Yan-Biao, XU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Cai, and LI Ying-Jun*, FFT-LB Modeling of Thermal Liquid-Vapor System, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2012, 57 (4), 681–694. (SCI) [1204]

    27.  孙彦乾,陈黎明,张璐,毛婧一,刘峰,李大章,刘成,李伟昌,王兆华,李英骏,魏志义,张杰,超强激光与Ar团簇相互作用中X射线的研究,物理学报201261(13)075206。(SCI) [1204]

    28.  Zhong-Qiang Liu, Guang-Cai Zhang, Ying-Jun Li*, and Su-Rong Jiang, Water film motor driven by alternating electric fields: Its dynamical characteristics, Phys. Rev. E, 2012, 85, 036314. (SCI) [1203]

    29.  M. Jiang, W. Su, Z. Q. Lv, X. Lu, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Pair creation enhancement due to combined external fields. Phys. Rev. A, 2012, 85, 033408. (SCI) [1203]

    30.  Yan-Biao Gan, Ai-Guo Xu, Guang-Cai Zhang, Ying-Jun Li, Physical modeling of multiphase flow via lattice Boltzmann method: Numerical effects, equation of state and boundary conditions, Front. Phys., 2012, 7(4): 481–490. (SCI) [1202]

    31.  Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Ping Zhang and Yingjun Li, Lattice Boltzmann study of thermal phase separation: Effects of heat conduction, viscosity and Prandtl number, Euro. Phys. Lett, 2012, 97, 44002. (SCI) [1201]

    32.  Shihua Zhao, Qingzheng Lv, Suying Yuan, and Yingjun Li*, Surpassing one x-ray photon per electron in nonlinear Thomson scattering in 180 geometry, Physics of Plasmas, 2012, 19, 013111. (SCI) [1201]

    33.  Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li* and Hua Li, Phase separation in thermal systems: A lattice Boltzmann study and morphological characterization, Phys. Rev. E, 2011, 84, 046715. (SCI) [1110]

    34.  XU Miao-Hua, LI Hong-Wei, LIU Bi-Cheng, LIU Feng, SU Lu-Ning, DU Fei, ZHANG Lu, ZHENG Yi, MA Jing-Long, David Neely4, Paul McKenna, WANG Zhao-Hua, WEI Zhi-Yi, YAN Xue-Qing, LI Yu-Tong, LI Ying-Jun, ZHANG Jie, Development of a Real-Time Ion Spectrometer with a Scintillator for Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration Experiments, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2011, 28(9), 095203. (SCI) [1109]

    35.  Feng Chen, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang and Yingjun Li, Prandtl number effects in MRT lattice Boltzmann models for shocked and unshocked compressible fluids, Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett., 2011, 1, 052004. [1109]

    36.  Li Ying-Jun, Sun Yan-Qian, Teng Ai-Ping, Ne-like Ti X-ray laser driven by a single femtosecond laser, SPIE, 2011, 8140, 814011. (SCI) [1108]

    37.  GAN Yan-Biao, XU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Cai, and LI Ying-Jun, Flux Limiter Lattice Boltzmann Scheme Approach to Compressible Flows with Flexible Specific-Heat Ratio and Prandtl Number, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2011, 56(3), 490-498. (SCI) [1109]

    38.  CHEN Feng, XU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Cai, and LI Ying-Jun, Flux Limiter Lattice Boltzmann for Compressible Flows, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2011, 56(2), 333-338. (SCI) [1108]

    39.  赵诗华,吕清正,袁素英,李英骏,任意椭圆偏振激光场非线性汤姆逊散射的一般表述与X射线产生的优化条件,物理学报201160(5)054209-6。(SCI) [1105]

    40.  M. Jiang, W. Su, X. Lu, Z. M. Sheng, Y. T. Li, Y. J. Li, J. Zhang, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Electron-positron pair creation induced by quantum-mechanical tunneling. Phys. Rev. A, 2011, 83, 053402. (SCI) [1105]

    41.  Feng Chen, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li, Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model for compressible fluids, Phys. Lett. A, 2011, 375, 2129–2139. (SCI) [1105]

    42.  Yanbiao Gan, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang and Yingjun Li, Lattice Boltzmann study on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Roles of velocity and density gradients, Phys. Rev. E, 2011, 83, 056704-10. (SCI) [1105]

    43.  徐妙华, 李玉同, 刘峰, 张翼, 林晓宣, 刘峰, 王首钧, 孟立民, 王兆华, 郑君, 盛政明, 魏志义, 李英骏, 张杰,利用激光离焦的方法优化超强激光驱动的质子加速,物理学报201160(4)045204-6。(SCI) [1105]

    44.  Cheng Tao,Li Ying-Jun,Meng Li-Min, Li Xi-Bo, Investigation on the hydrodynamics of slab x-ray laser plasma by nonuniform line focused laser irradiation, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (2), 024206. (SCI) [1102]

    45.  Chen Feng, Xu Ai-Guo, Zhang Guang-Cai, Li Ying-Jun, Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Approach to Richtmyer–Meshkov Instability, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2011, 55(2), 325-334. (SCI) [1102]

    46.  Zhong-Qiang Liu, Ying-Jun Li, Guang-Cai Zhang, and Su-Rong Jiang, Dynamical mechanism of the liquid film motor, Phy.Rev.E, 2011, 83, 026303. (SCI) [1102]

    47.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, Wai-Sun Don, Z. M. Sheng, Y. J. Li, and X. T. He, Formation of large-scale structures in ablative Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, Phys. Plasmas, 2010,17, 122308-9. (SCI) [1012]

    48.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, Z. M. Sheng, Wai-Sun Don, Y. J. Li, and X. T. He, Preheating ablation effects on the Rayleigh–Taylor instability in the weakly nonlinear regime, Phys. Plasmas, 2010,17, 122706-8. (SCI) [1012]

    49.  于建强,袁景和,方晓红,李英骏,STED荧光显微镜的激发耗尽过程与空间分辨率计算,光学学报201030s100405-7。[1012]

    50.  Chen Feng, Xu Ai-Guo, Zhang Guang-Cai, Li Ying-Jun, Three-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Model for High-Speed Compressible Flows, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2010, 54(2), 1121-1128. (SCI) [1012]

    51.  郑炳松,孙彦乾,陈俞,马景龙,李英骏,利用单飞秒激光脉冲驱动类氖钛X射线激光的研究,物理学报201059(10)7020-07。(SCI) [1010]

    52.  Feng Chen, Aiguo Xu, Guangcai Zhang, Yingjun Li and Sauro Succi, Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann approach to compressible flows with flexible specific-heat ratio and Prandtl number, Euro. Phys. Lett, 2010, 90, 54003-p6. (SCI) [1006]

    53.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, and Y. J. Li, Interface width effect on the classical Rayleigh–Taylor instability in the weakly nonlinear regime, Phys. Plasmas, 2010,17, 052305-6. (SCI) [1005]

    54.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, Z. F. Fan and Y. J. Li, Nonlinear saturation amplitude in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability at arbitrary Atwood numbers with continuous profiles, Euro physics letter, 2010, 90, 15001-p6. (SCI) [1004]

    55.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, and Y. J. Li, Combined effect of the density and velocity gradients in the combination of Kelvin–Helmholtz and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilitiesPhys. Plasmas, 2010,17, 042103-6. (SCI) [1004]

    56.  屈道宽,张建心,冯帅,王义全,李英骏,金属嵌入对三角晶格耦合腔光波导群速度的影响,光子学报201039(4)648-651.(核心)[1004]

    57.  王立锋, 范征锋, 叶文华, 李英骏,用NND格式模拟Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性,计算物理201027(2)168-172。(EI) [1003]

    58.  王芳,李英骏,张广财,唐炼,龙志飞,光弹材料载荷过程中红外辐射特征机理的计算分析,计算物理,2010,27(2),251-256. (EI) [1003]

    59.  WANG Li-Feng, YE Wen-Hua, LI Ying-Jun, Two-Dimensional Rayleigh–Taylor Instability in Incompressible Fluids at Arbitrary Atwood Numbers, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2010, 27(2), 025203-4. (SCI) [1002]

    60.  WANG Li-Feng, YE Wen-Hua,LI Ying-Jun, Numerical Simulation of Anisotropic Preheating Ablative Rayleigh–Taylor Instability, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2010, 27(2),025202-4. (SCI) [1002]

    61.  WANG Fang, LI Ying-jun, RAO Qiu-hua, TANG Lian,Quantitative description of infrared radiation characteristicsfor solid materials subjected to external loading, J. Cent.SouthUniv.Technol., 2009, 16(6), 1022−1027. (SCI) [0912]

    62.  王立锋,滕爱萍,叶文华,范征锋,陶烨晟,林传栋,李英骏,超声速流体Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性速度梯度效应研究,物理学报200958(12)8426-6。(SCI) [0912]

    63.  L. F. Wang, C. Xue, W. H. Ye and Y. J. Li, Destabilizing effect of density gradient on the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, Phys. Plasmas, 2009, 16, 112104-6. (SCI) [0911]

    64.  CHEN Feng, XU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Cai, GAN Yan-Biao, CHENG Tao, and LI Ying-Jun, Highly Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Model for Compressible Fluids: Two-Dimensional Case, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2009, 52(4), 681-693. (SCI) [0910]

    65.  WANG Li-Feng, TENG Ai-Ping, YE Wen-Hua, XUE Chuang, FAN Zheng-Feng, and LI Ying-Jun, Phase Effect on Mode Coupling in Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Fluid, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2009, 52(4), 694-696. (SCI) [0910]

    66.  王芳,李英骏,唐炼,环氧树脂对径受压圆盘红外辐射特征的热力学分析,石油天然气学报,2009,31(5),406-409.  [0910]

    67.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye and Y. J. Li, Numerical investigation on the ablative Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Euro physics letter, 2009, 87, 54005-p6. (SCI) [0909]

    68.  王立锋,叶文华,范征锋,孙彦乾,郑炳松,李英骏, 二维可压缩流Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性, 物理学报200958(9)6381-6386. (SCI) [0909]

    69.  WANG Ce, XU AiGuo, ZHANG GuangCai & LI YingJun, Simulating liquid-vapor phase separation under shear with lattice Boltzmann method, Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron, 2009, 52(9), 1337-1344. (SCI) [0909];王策, 许爱国, 张广财, 李英骏,剪切作用下液气相分离的格子玻尔兹曼模拟,中国科学2009, 39(10), 1373-1479

    70.  孟立民,滕爱萍,李英骏,程涛,张杰,基于自相似模型的二维X射线激光等离子体流体力学,物理学报200958(8)5436-5442. (SCI) [0908]

    71.  9WANG Li-Feng, YE Wen-Hua, FAN Zheng-Feng, XUE Chuang, and LI Ying-Jun, A Weakly Nonlinear Model for Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability in Incompressible Fluids, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2009, 26(7),074704-4. (SCI) [0907]

    72.  方步青,卢果,张广财,许爱国,李英骏,铜晶体中类层错四面体的结构及其演化,物理学报200958(7)4862-4871. (SCI) [0907]

    73.  王立锋,叶文华,范征锋,李英骏,二维不可压流体Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性的弱非线性研究,物理学报200958(7)4787-4792。(SCI) [0907]

    74.  T. CHENG, Y. J. LI, L. M. MENG, J. ZHANG, Non-Uniform Influence of Prepulse Duration on Nickel-Like Mo X-Ray Laser on XLIII, Chin.Phys.Lett2009, 26(6)064212. (SCI) [0906]

    75.  Wang L F, Ye W H, Fan Z F and Li Y J, Simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability with Flux-Corrected Transport Method, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2009, 51(5), 909-913. (SCI) [0905]

    76.  L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, Z. F. Fan, Y. J. Li, X. T. He and M. Y. Yu, Weakly nonlinear analysis on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Euro physics letter, 2009, 86, 15002-p6. (SCI) [0904]

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    86.  邱阳,李胜文,张翼,李汉明,朱鹏飞,董全力,阮英峁,李英骏,毛灵涛,王超,张杰,脉冲Ho:YAG激光与生物组织相互作用效果与残留热效应的分析,中国激光,2008,35(7),1105-1110. [0807]

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    90.  王立锋,叶文华,李英骏, 二维不可压缩流体Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性的二次谐波产生, 物理学报200857(5)3038-06。(SCI) [0805]

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    93.  杨其利,张广财,许爱国,赵艳红,李英骏,冲击条件下含纳米空洞的单晶铜的塌缩,物理学报200857(2)940-946。(SCI) [0802]

    94.  李汉明,李刚,李英骏,李玉同,张翼,程涛,聂超群,张杰,绝缘阻挡放电等离子体发光光谱的特性,物理学报200857(2)969-974。(SCI) [0802]

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    96.  张翼,鲁欣,郑志远,刘峰,朱鹏飞,李汉明,李玉同,李英骏,张杰,透射式水工质的高耦合效率激光推进模式,推进技术200728(5)534-537。(EI) [0710]

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    98.  李汉明,李英骏,毛灵涛等,绝缘阻挡放电等离子体弦向温度分布研究,科技导报200725(18)21-26(核心期刊)[0709]

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    101.  李汉明,李英骏,王琛,张杰,线聚焦¾¾实现实用X射线激光饱和输出的关键技术,物理200635(12)1060-1063。(核心) [0612]

    102.  崔新林,祝文军,邓小良,李英骏,贺红亮,冲击波压缩下含纳米空洞单晶铁的结构相变研究,物理学报,2006,55(10),5545-5550。(SCI)[0610]

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    105.  静国梁,余玮,李英骏,赵诗华,钱列加,田友伟,刘丙辰,非相对论线偏振激光的JB加热,物理学报,2006,55(7),3475-3479。(SCI) [0607]

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    109.  李汉明,李英骏,共轴抛物镜线聚焦性能的二维分析,强激光与粒子束,2005,17(12)1791-1793.(EI) [0512]

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    112.  王琛,李汉明,李英骏,张杰,王世绩,内壳层跃迁实现超短波长激光的途径,物理200534143

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    114.  鲁欣,奚婷婷,李英骏,张杰,超短超强脉冲激光在空气中产生的电离通道的寿命研究,物理学报,2004,53(10),3404. (SCI) [0410]

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    123.  罗福,辛建婷,李玉同,李英骏,硅光电二级管飞秒激光损伤的实验研究,应用激光,2003,23(6),345-347。[0303]

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    126.  H.Yang, J.Zhang, J.Zhang, L.Z.Zhao, Y.J.Li, H.teng, Y.T.Li, Z.H.Wang, Z.L.Chen, Z.Y.Wei,J.X.Ma, W.Yu,and Z.M.Sheng, Third-order harmonic generation by self-guided femtosecond pulses in air, Phy.Rev.E, 2003, 67, 015401-1. (SCI) [0301]

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    128.  杨志安,靳新,李英骏,姚育娟,罗伊虹,强脉冲X射线辐照在Si-SiO2中感生的界面态及退火消除,强激光与粒子束,2002,14,521.(EI)

    129.  Hui Yang, Jie Zhang, Yingjun Li, Jun Zhang, Yutong Li, Zhenglin Chen, Hao Wei,Zhiyi Wei,and Zhengming Sheng, Characteristics of self-guided laser plasma channels generated by femtosecond laser pulses in air, Phy.Rev.E, 2002, 66, 016406. (SCI)

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    131.  Xin Lu, Ying-jun Li, and Jie Zhang, Analysis of transient collisional x-ray laser at 19.6 nm in neon-like Ge, Phys. Plasmas, 2002, 9, 1412.(SCI)

    132.  H.Yang, J.Zhang, W.Yu, Y.J.Li, and Z.Y.Wei, Long plasma channels generated by femtosecond laser pulses, Phy.Rev.E, 2001, 65,406. (SCI)

    133.  Y.Gu, Y.T.Li, Y.J.Li, Y.You, S.Chunyu, W.Huang, S.He, Y.He, L.Lu, X.Yuan, X.Wei, C.Zhang, and J.Zhang, Nickellike and neonlike soft x-ray lasing driven by two 200ps Nd:glass laser pulses, Journal de Physique IV, 2001, 11, 159. (SCI)

    134.  Lu Xin, Li Ying-Jun, Zhang Jie, Optimization of drive pulse configuratin for a high-gain transient x-ray laser at 19.6nm, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2001, 18(10), 1353.(SCI)

    135.  Li Ying-Jun, Zhang Jie and Teng Ai-Ping, An analytic for transient collional x-ray laser, Chin.Phys, 2001, 10(6), 516. (SCI)

    136.  Y.J.Li and J.Zhang, Hydrodynamic characteristic of transient Ni-like x-ray laser, J. Phys, 2001, 11, 83. (SCI)

    137.    Li Yutong, Zhang Jie, Chen Liming, Xia Jiangfan, Teng Hao, Zhao Lizeng, Lin Jingquan, Li Yingjun, Wei Zhiyi, Wang Long & Jiang Wenmian, Optical diagnostics of femtosecond laser plasmas, Science in China (Series A), 2001(Jan), 44(1), 98. (SCI)

    138.    林景全,张杰,李英骏,陈黎明,吕铁铮,原子团簇对飞秒激光吸收,物理学报,2001.50(3),457. (SCI)

    139.    李玉同,张杰,陈黎明,赵理曾,夏江帆,滕浩,李英骏,朱丞因,江问勉,对飞秒激光等离子体中成丝现象的研究,物理学报,200150, 204-208. (SCI)

    140.    Y.J.Li and J.Zhang, Hydrodynamic characteristic of transient Ni-like x-ray laser, Phys.Rev.E,2001, 63, 036410. (SCI)

    141.    Lin Jing-Quan, Zhang Jie, Li Ying-jun, et al., Measurement of laserabsorption and ion energy in femtosecond laser-cluster interaction, Chin.Phys.Lett, 2001,18(2), 211. (SCI)

    142.    李英骏,张保汉,杨建伦,张杰,一台入射距离为155mmXUV平场光谱仪,强激光与粒子束,2000, 12, 582. (EI)

    143.    李英骏,杨建伦,张杰,非点光源情况下平场光栅的成像研究,物理学报,2000,49(5), 863. (SCI)

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